Partnering Together for the Kingdom

An overarching desire of Billion.Global is to glorify God by moving from an independent approach in mission to a more interdependent one, realizing more can be done together. Here are recent examples of what this looks like:
148 Audio Bibles for oral learners, in their language, downloaded on MegaVoice players and shared with seven countries in Africa through the kindness of a Billion.Global partner church in Indianapolis
A Billion.Global partner from India helping PrayerCast with the preparation of digital media promoting prayer for the peoples of India
Filipino and Colombian partners preparing articles on cooperation for publication in The Evangelical Missions Quarterly, a MissioNexus publication in the United States
15 leaders from Malawi being equipped to train people to read using primers in their language provided by Literacy and Evangelism International and with the help of Dr. James Kigamwa
One Mission Society missionary mobilization leaders, desirous of engaging many new cross-cultural missionaries, learning from International Missions of the Freewill Baptists how they are engaging lots of young adults in short-term mission experiences leading to longer-term engagement
The Imagine Initiative exploring with The Salvation Poem Project the idea of using their materials in schools in Florida
45 leaders participating in the March 14 Billion.Global Virtual Gathering focused on the use of digital media in making Christ known and helping people grow as his followers, with presentations by Groundwire and Christian Vision Global (access recording here)
In May 2024 Billion.Global partners from Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Korea, Zambia, Benin, Cameroon, USA, Malawi, Kenya, Republic of Congo and India gathered for five days in South Africa to receive Teach Every Nation training. This Billion.Global partner not only provided this training in several languages, but also $25,000 in travel subsidies along with lodging and meals. While there, every trainee received enough training materials in their language to train ten others once back in their respective homelands.Â
These illustrations of cooperation in the Body of Christ represent the heart of Billion.Global. Through these efforts, more people around the world have access to the Good News. Thanks for your prayers and support as this thrilling journey continues, enhancing impact and effectiveness in carrying out Christ’s mission!